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Monday, August 10, 2009

Red Hot Town Hall Protests!

Seems the Health Care bill has created quite a bit of heat with everyday Americans and they are showing up in crowds exponentially at these town hall meetings to have their message heard.

Unfortunately,they are being called 'Un-American' by Nancy Pelosi and among other things by the President such as an 'angry mob.' Question...did the President ever ask himself what they could possibly be so angry about? It couldn't be the front the White House is putting on about Health care,could it? That they are trying to sell us a rotting piece of meat disguised as Obama's "pie" ? Just because you coat something with sugar,doesn't mean we will swallow it!

I happen to disagree with Nancy Pelosi and her definition of "Un-American." I personally think of Un-American as the OPPOSITE of allowing your voice to be heard. When I imagine people who are Un-American, I imagine people bowing their heads in abeyance in droves,regardless of how they feel about the situation in their hearts...loyal subjects.

We are not loyal subjects.(yes,I know...sad but true.) We are Americans and if there is one thing I know about Americans,it's that we won't go down without a fight and we won't lay down like a door mat to be walked all over on. Our founding father's didn't tread dangerous and uncharted territories for nothing!

Interesting thing about these Health Care protesters (I love to see people exercising their rights!), it is being said that it is a 'right wing conspiracy', that 'these people are actors' and that the protests are 'organized and staged',unbelievable...if that is the case, then why is it that the Pro Health Care protesters all have the same signs? Looks pretty organized to me. The opposition,on the other hand does not, their signs are all different and mostly hand made...now which protests are set up here?

More on Health Care to come,this is my pinnacle issue of choice right now and I am fighting it with passion. If you are objection to the H.R. 3200 Bill,please write and/or phone your representatives as I have and if you are interested in reading the some odd 1000 page + bill...here's your chance!Click here.


Palick said...

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I thought that a part of our democracy was that we could express our feelings to our representatives so that they would represent us fairly. This is not the case with regard to the health care bill. There are two issues to discuss here; the bill, and the reaction to the reaction of the bill.
Those in support of the bill feel that it would be great for every single person in the United States to be able to have health care. They want to make it so no matter what your circumstance you will be taken care of if you are sick. This is great, if you lived in a perfect world with endless money. The way it is right now, there is no one that is refused care and left to die. You may be in debt to the hospital, but at least they saved your life. Also, the bill proposes that this will actually lower the cost of health care for everyone. Unfortunately that is not true. We have several great examples to look at to see how well this plan works. If we look at Canada, or countries in Europe, this government health care becomes very costly. Once the money is depleted, taxes will have to rise in order to pay for this. That will hurt us and our economy. Also, in order to save costs, there will be fewer clinics and fewer doctors and they will be overcrowded with people. Long waiting lists will develop for problems that need to be treated right away. This is all happening right now in those countries. It is insanity for someone to think that doing the same thing over and over again will bring different results. That is what is going on with this bill. The bill says that we will have the option of choosing private health care or government health care. That is entirely not true. According to the bill once you leave a job (and thus lose your insurance) you will then be required to go onto government health care. So eventually everyone will be forced on the plan and no one will have a choice anymore. This plan is not going to work. I like what you said, “Just because you coat something with sugar, doesn’t mean we will swallow it!” That is very true. And the people are not buying this plan.
All of the people who are protesting are exercising their freedom of speech. They are trying to let their representatives know what they think about the bill so their representatives will represent accurately and fairly. Now they are being called mobsters!? This is ridiculous. First we are told to express our views, now we are told expressing our views makes us like an angry mob. And regardless, we are an angry mob because of the irresponsible and unbelievable things this administration is trying to pass. I would hope an angry mob would come if anyone was trying to do something that would hurt our country. Things things must be stopped in order to preserve the desires of the people, and more importantly to preserve the freedoms we have. We must keep the government from taking over our lives and turning our country socialist. The elected officials need to listen to the people, not shun them as mobs.