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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today's Healthcare Thoughts...

This morning,Senator Arlen Spector(D-Pa.) held a town hall meeting in Lebanon,Pennsylvania. At the meeting,the question was raised by a woman in the audience on whether or not we will be paying for abortions under the proposed plan. The Senator skirted the issue and replied(and this is not verbatim) that no one would pay for an abortion if they didn't want to,you choose your plan,it's either in your plan or not. If you want the abortion option as part of your plan,you will simply pay a slightly higher premium.
He completely avoided what she was REALLY asking,which was will we be paying for abortions with our tax dollars...and the answer is YES, it doesn't matter what plan you are on. Others will have plans that pay for abortions and yes,your tax dollars will help pay for it. There is no way the premiums will be enough to fund this monster.Don't you love politician double talk? Question...just because an issue becomes law,does that also make it moral? And at the cost of "rights given" (I have never considered the termination of a life,a right, but in any case.),rights will be taken away and Religious Hospitals will be forced to do procedures that are against their morals.
So,what next? Don't think it could get much more extreme than that? Think again... We've already been told Obama's lefty Czars that the life of fourteen 85 year olds is equal to one fourteen year old. So,what does that tell you? This bill will give preference to those aged between 15 and 40. The very young,old and disabled will be discarded. As extreme as it may sound,read the bill yourself. Almost seems like eugenics to me. This does not sound like a plan to help Americans,more like a plan to sentence Americans to death. Population control maybe? Finacial control? (access to our bank accounts) Whatever it is,the ultimate agenda here is not a good one. On top of that,the arguement that this program will lower costs couldn't be farther from the truth and the CBO (Congression Budget Office) has already reported otherwise,that is will not only, NOT lower healthcare costs, but that,healthcare costs are likely to RISE!
I smell a rat,or two,maybe more....