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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Attacks on Surgeon General are 'No Holds Barred'!

So much talk about obesity in America,as if once we correct our overweight image,all will be well again? How about more talk about what a RUDE America we are?

I find it shameful not that our society as a whole is overweight,but that our society as a whole would unabashedly and ruthlessly attack Obama's new pick for Surgeon General,Dr. Regina Benjamin because of her weight!

Are you kidding? This is a joke right? Who does that? Apparently a lot of people. Fox News has gone so far as to have guests on their show remarking that she "doesn't say no to the M&M's or Twinkies." I am astounded. On top of that,she has been called,'unfit' to be a Surgeon General.

This is unreal to me. First of all, insinuating that the only way a person can become overweight is by being inactive or over-eating is grossly ignorant. The fact is,there are many factors behind our physical make-up,genetics being one of the biggest and other health concerns such as a dysfunctional thyroid also play a role.

Aside from this,what does being overweight have to do with ones ability to full fill the qualifications of their position. I personally do not recall any of our past Surgeon Generals looking like bodybuilders do you?

The truth is,we know nothing about her lifestyle and to make such over-the-top assumptions is downright dirty. To me,this indicates nothing more than,the Republican Party is getting low on ammunition,so low that they would resort to attacking someone for their weight?

And,C'mon,she's not that overweight.She is actually very well proportioned,I think her large chest makes her look bigger than she is.

I am tired of others picking on what they can see externally. Everyone has something going on that others don't necessarily know about,maybe a porn addiction or an alcohol addiction or maybe they are abusive to their spouses,but the point is you never know what goes on behing closed doors,including what the contents of their refridgerator is. It disheartening to me that some would attack others for flaws that they wear on their sleeve,while the ones with flaws UP their sleeve's,simply get off scott-free,no criticisms,only praise for what we can see (which is the image they present.)
Let's start being more realistic here and as my Grand Dad used to say "First pluck the log from your own eye,before trying to remove a splinter from someone Else's!"
Anyone else have a take on this?


ML10 said...

You are totally right in this, and I also am also appalled. The media today is so annoying; they always have to find something to talk about. Apparently they have nothing to talk about except immature and Un-American criticisms. I first agree with you in that she does not look that big to me. I agree, and know, that not all bigger people are that way from purely lifestyle. It can be in genetics, and no matter how much they may exercise, they don't get any smaller. Also, people do not have to be skinny to be smart, and great at a job. Perhaps they have nothing else to bash against her than her weight, which in that case, she must be well qualified for the job. Also, I think of many pictures of past presidents, of which they didn't look skinny to me. American people are rude, and like I said before, they can't think of anything else to stir up the media, so they pick on her weight. I would like to see how much all the people who talk about her weigh, and what junk they eat for Lunch. The media will never give up; and its some our fault for reading their magazines.

Dr. Regina Benjamin seems like she will do a great job. I hope America will someday grow-up and learn to respect our leaders.