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Sunday, July 12, 2009

For Love of Water

For those of you whom have not heard or had the chance to see FLOW(For Love of Water), I am here to tell you it could be one of the single-most important and eye-opening Documentary Films of the last decade!

A 2008 Sundance Film Festival Selection,FLOW,focuses on the current Global Water Crisis. (yes in case you didn't know...we are in one.) It raises awarness on issues that seem to have been under rug swept and sheds light on some very scary information.

Here are some morsels to sample and savor for your 'movie-buds';

-Water is a $400 Billion Dollar a year industry. While some would claim that charging for water would have the likness to that of charging for the use of air or the sun, you wouldn't believe it,but I'm here to tell you...IT'S HAPPENING!

-A handful of Corporations control a massive (and growing) portion of our fresh water supplies,meaning they have privatized water that was previously considered public. They are marketing and selling it without any real "ownership" rights, which is win,win for them...they don't have to buy it, they only have to sell it,but for us it means those who can't afford it, simply go with out, which is lose,lose for us.

-Water is a Commodity,third in fact behind Oil and Electricity.

-Some 2 million people die every day due to water born illness because they do not have access to clean water. (much of the clean water in 3rd world countries is now privatized,meaning you have to pay for it), forcing many of the locals to fetch dirty water from nearby rivers.

-Atrazine-the biggest pollutant in water effects endocrine function and has been found to demasculinize frogs, actually causing them to grow ovaries and produce female hormones.(Atrazine has been banned in all European countries,but the U.S.? Nope, we are one of the biggests users.)

-Our fish are changing sex,to female!

-Chemicals that were designed for warfare are now in our water supplies,along with Pharmaceuticals and often times parasites among other pollutants and pathogens. Most people just turn on the faucet assuming that it's clean and that we have plenty of it.

Please watch the movie you won't regret it. It's not all hum-drum-glum,just so you know,many scientist provide simple solutions to our crisis,and many of the solutions are already being put into effect and with a growing number of water activists (like me),I believe we will put this to rest for once and for all providing clean water as a community resource to all,but that means we need to work together.

Thirsty now?


Marianne said...

I'll definitely put that one on my movie list. The fish problem is soooo true! Back in Wisconsin on the St. Croix river, the male fish have been turning into female fish. I heard about that about five or six years ago and its digusting. I've always been told to be careful about the water we drink and know how to purify water if the time comes for it. We can't always depend on our current water supply :P