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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Deficit Woes...linked to Illegal Immigrants?

California is singin' the Deficit Blues right now as their debt plunges into the $26 Billion Dollar range.This is a huge crisis for the state,I mean they house roughly 36.5 million people. When the most populated state in the nation can't afford to pay their bills,we are in serious trouble.

The problem has exploded so far out of control that the state has actually been forced to issue I.O.U's to their vendors and as a consequence,vendors such as medical supply companies are now shying away from doing business with California. As you can imagine, many of these vendors supply very basic needs to the state that are really essential to keep it in functional operation.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has had enough and recently during a press conference that while legislature has had the opportunity to scale back State positions,as Arnold put it, "They care more about their seats than they do you."

So,while scaling back on Government in California would've helped,it was thrown out by legislature.

As a part of their new budget proposal,they have really only been left with one viable option,as legislatures' refusal to not only not cut back on State Employees,but also Arnold's vow to not raise taxes,the result? Deep gouges into State Funded Programs. Personally,I think one of the smartest slices out of the Budget pie is the cut-back on assistance to illegal aliens.I know..big meany that I am.(which only makes up a tiny fraction of the new budget,around a billion dollars (which also covers U.S. citizens and really only represents the Health Care trimmings as a whole.).

You know,so many people have sympathy for illegal immigrants. I personally do not. Do we feel sorry for a Bank robber because of his financial situation or that he desperately needed to take care of his family?? No. Point in case. The law is the law and the fact is, "officials estimate $4 billion to $6 billion of the state's roughly $105 billion budget is spent on California's roughly 2.7 million illegal residents." (Times Report).

That is alot of money and the thing is, while so many are down on Gov.Schwarzenegger right now for the decisions he has made,the fact is,he has to to get the money from somewhere. And honestly? Illegal immigrants have been one of the largest burdens financially to the State over the last decade and the problem is only growing. I honestly wish the new budget would've have included more cut-backs on illegal assistance than it did. Perhaps,if they weren't being dished out so many hand-outs,the incentive to come here would be less than it currently is.

Let's face it,while so many want to take on the 'Good Samaritan' role,there comes a time when we must realize that we HAVE ALREADY given the shirts off our backs,and our pants,and our socks,and...well,you get it. We have to take care of ourselves too and our Nation is practically Bankrupt.I mean,if Arnold was Jesus and could make a few fish in a basket enough to feed an entire State,that would be swell,but since he does lacks the ability to produce such miracles,perhaps Budget Reform is not such a bad idea.

Is this a sign of of overzealous and irresponsible spending? Or is it a valuable lesson to be learned from the Immigration crisis and how it can affect our economy? It's my personal and unprofessional opinion that it's how California got into this mess in the first place.I hope we can use California as a helpful example in preventing this sort of crisis elsewhere. Pretty simply put "don't bite off more than you can chew." (As the perfect hypocrite that I am, I found it fitting to end with a motto,that I, myself have never been able to follow.) ;)