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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just Curious about North Korea...

Why all the concentration on Iran when North Korea is the country blasting missiles off as a blatant, in-your-face "Happy Birthday America"? On Saturday,the North Korean armed forces launched seven ballistic missiles into the South Sea,SEVEN!It seems launching ballistic missiles on or near our day of Independence has become a habit for them and quite the way to make a statement.

Now,granted Hawaii is unscathed and harm-free,(so far) but the fact is we didn't know what the outcome would be two weeks ago. President Obama may as well have asked Kim Jong-Il "Pretty please with sugar on top,do not launch any more missiles despite U.N. sanctions?" I mean,this is not a sound-of-mind individual we are dealing with here and I just feel that President Obama's approach is only enforcing the idea that we are no longer the strong nation we used to be. President Obama is presenting himself as weak when he refuses to take more serious measures to prevent any more threats or attacks from North Korea.He is being 'tested' and there are people out there whom see kindness as weakness and prey upon it.

I don't know about you,but at least for Hawaii's sake,I would not like to wait and hope that Kim Jong-Il is only bluffing when he makes threats like he recently did in response to U.N. sanctions stating "“Our revolutionary armed forces will deal an annihilating blow that is unpredictable and unavoidable, to any ‘sanctions’ or provocations by the U.S.,”

In addition,a recent rally was held in North Korea,during which about 100,000 people attended and was accompanied by a banner which had a picture of a rifle with an affixed bayonet over hills of graves and read "If you attack,only death will await you." During the rally the North Korean media(the Communist state's official media outlet) reported the governments threat to "fire a shower of nuclear retaliation against the United States and South Korea."

This is only a fraction of the threats and hateful rhetoric taking place in North Korea right now. I feel safe to say that it's time to step up our game. I am not pro-war by any means, however we cannot allow this escalate any further than it already has. There is speculation and rumors that Kim Jong-il (knowing he is going to die soon) wants to go out with a big bang and down in the History books.Personally,I don't need the rumors,the facts are frightening enough.

What do you think about this? How do you feel President Obama has done handling Kim Jong-il's threats?


Marianne said...

I don't think President Obama knows what to do on this issue. Imagine a crazy person facing someone with a gun pointed to their head.That's kind of what this situation is similar to. If Kim Jong Il is truly nuts, he won't care what the U.S. or the U.N. tries to do. Going in with U.S. troops or blowing off our own kind of nuclear weapons would still provoke this madman to blow off the weapons he's already accumulated.So far, Obama is treating it like a hostage situation (through persuasion). So, far the U.N. is imposing sanctions on the goods that provide North Korea the ingredients for their nuclear program.Even I wouldn't know what to do. It might just be another cold war situation: no direct combat for fear of nuclear war.If there were a way to dismantle the nuclear program without this dictator knowing about it, I'm all for it.This guy is just not predictable and its scary.

Unknown said...

I think that this is true that Kim Jong does not care what he is doing because he knows that he is going to die soon. I also think that President Obama is showing that he is weak which really scares me because we can not afford to have a weak President. We need a President that will respond stronger when we are in trouble I am just afraid that one day we are going to have a repeast of 9/11 if we do not step up our game.